

New app for FaceBook!

Install TardApp now!
It's fun, it rates you and your friends, and your friends rate you, and their friends rate them. Sends random huge offensive images, sounds and videos to your own SuperTardWall and to your friends' SuperTardWall, automatically, periodically, over and over. Notifying you via email every time.

Add the app now!
Wait you can't use it until you request all your friends to join.
Wait you can't use it unless you give us access to everything about you.
Wait you can't use it unless we can email you all the time about anything.
Wait you can't use it unless we can email your friends.

Notifications by mail every hour, on the hour. Sometimes multiple emails per hour! And because we want to give you the best service and experience we have included advertisements! Regularly! Notifications sent to your email account!

Install TardApp Now!

Doing our level best to make you and your friend's FaceBook accounts annoying and useless!

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