
300+ best LitRPG books updated 2022

The full "Neo's Long List of LitRPG" contains 375 LitRPG series (as of 2022-01-28), and is frequently updated. The list is ranked by the GoodReads rating (at the time of review / update of that entry). Neo's list includes links to the GoodReads page, the amazon kindle page, and audible.com page (requires you to be logged into audible.com to work).

#Book Title (#1)Author(s)Series TitleRating
1Cyber SquadA.K. MocikatCyber Squad4.65
2Monsters and LegendsIvan KalInfinite Realm4.63
3ExiledS.G. SeabournePath of The Dragon Mage4.62
4Iron PrinceBryce O'Connor, Luke ChmilenkoWarforged: Stormweaver4.61
5Dungeon Crawler CarlMatt DinnimanDungeon Crawler Carl4.58
6The Legend of Randidly GhosthoundNoret FloodLegend of Randidly Ghosthound4.58
7Lotus LakeJay BoyceRise of the Mystic Mage4.57
8The Grand GameTom ElliotThe Grand Game4.55
9Awaken Online: EmberTravis BagwellAwaken Online: Tarot4.54
10Serra OnlineA.W. NorthcuttCastillion Chronicles4.53
11Sentenced to TrollS.L. RowlandSentenced to Troll4.52
12He Who Fights with MonstersShirtaloonHe Who Fights with Monsters4.51
13Artificial JellyDustin GrahamArtificial Jelly4.51
14Scamps & ScoundrelsEric UglandBad Guys4.50
15Jake's Magical MarketJ.R. Mathews
16ActivationD.I. FreedInvasion4.50
17Core Establishment Jonathan BrooksDimensional Dungeon Cores4.49
18TIER 1000Jason Anspach, Doc Spears
19Human InsanityKamikazePotatoAn Outcast in Another World4.49
20Age of StoneJez CajiaoRise of Mankind4.48

Full 375+ titles here

What is LitRPG?
Literary role playing game. A book or set of books where at least part of the story takes place in a role playing game.
See also Wikipedia

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