
Digg Analysis

Update: check DiggAnalysis for the latest stats
Digg is a social news site that initially grew in popularity from its roots of a geek fanbase who poured in the science and technology articles. Digg works by having the users of the site submitting items they found interesting and if they are marked as interesting (Dugg) by enough users then the article will appear on the front page.
Some whiney buggers have been a little upset about the decline of technology based articles being posted at Digg. Not that I care where Digg goes. If you haven't worked it out yet, Kevin likes to use other people's efforts to make money. Nothing particularly wrong with that, I guess. It is his site, he can do with it as he wishes. Digg has always had value and still holds value for me, however it certainly isn't the only site I regularly read and I will admit to using filters to block out the dross.
Anyway, One guy went so far as to come up with some shoddy stats to make a wobbly old point of some vague sort. Obviously I didn't pay too much attention to his complaints, but I knew the stats could be done simply and automatically. I broke out TextMate and started playing with Python. As usual, I may have taken things too far but here you go, number-fest!

Digg articles analysis
Observed 2655 articles at 08-02-22 18:03:43 from Digg pages 3 to 180.

Top Ten most frequently published domains

Most Dugg article
youtube.com1162574318 Google Maps.. Gone Wrong (9073)
arstechnica.com771054134Microsoft says "sorry" with free Valentine's Zune 80 players (2086)
gizmodo.com721372153Indiana Jones IV Trailer! (7003)
engadget.com671392211It's official: HD DVD is dead, the format war over (7665)
cnn.com461468276At least 18 shot at Northern Illinois University (4112)
nytimes.com441417213A President Like My Father (2951)
dailymail.co.uk401613261'I Decided to Die Like a Man' (4611)
yahoo.com401548265But how? The only clues were the pictures on the camera (5051)
flickr.com392671236 Think Illegal Downloading is Free? (8524)
bbc.co.uk381416238Fidel Castro Announces Retirement (6107)

Top Ten highest mean diggs per Site (for Sites with more than 1 article)

Most Dugg article
nbc11.com26545468Anonymous' War on NBC11. Dont let $cientologists bury this! (9355)
collegehumor.com44646426 Man Proposes During NBA Halftime; Doesn't Go As Planned (5320)
liveleak.com24239556 Skateboard-Hating Baltimore Cop At It Again (6028)
imageshack.us114083458 Coolness (8733)
photobucket.com53751553 Do you dress like a douchebag? [flowchart] (6224)
mediafire.com63740440ANON release Scientology secret DOX (7424)
wikipedia.org23617330 $5 Bill from 1896 (4100)
tinypic.com113484356 You want the blocks? Best CraigsList Ad Of All Time Ever. (6262)
escapistmagazine.com63448250 Zero Punctuation: Call of Duty 4 (7054)
icanhascheezburger.com33433227 LOLzcats go after Scientology, too. (4881)

Top Ten highest mean comments per Site (for Sites with more than 1 article)

Most commented on article
whitehouser.com22856574I’ve Never Been More Ashamed to be an American (1024)
liveleak.com24239556 Skateboard-Hating Baltimore Cop At It Again (675)
photobucket.com53751553 Westboro Baptist planning protest Heath Ledger's funeral (1133)
breitbart.tv41193543 City of Berkeley's War on Marines Leads to Showdown (743)
cleveland.com22875498KUCINICH DROPS OUT OF THE RACE! (538)
nbc11.com26545468Anonymous' War on NBC11. Dont let $cientologists bury this! (668)
thestar.com22083465MIT Prof Confirms Perpetual Motion Machine is Accelerating (666)
vgchartz.com21208463PS3 reaches 10 million four months sooner than Xbox360 (789)
imageshack.us114083458 Coolness (801)
mediamatters.org22134441Fox News Radio Compares Obama to Hitler [AUDIO] (492)

Top Ten most dugg articles

Digg this if you are sick of $cientologists burying articles21439912
Click if your computer screen is dirty.15903650
New Jersey Douche Bags! 100801233
Anonymous' War on NBC11. Dont let $cientologists bury this!9355668
How glasses affect your image [pic] 9260322
Google Maps.. Gone Wrong 9073250
Coolness 8733801
Baltimore Cop Vs. A 14 year old Skateboarder 86791520
Nano (this is really cool) 8553368
Think Illegal Downloading is Free? 8524484

Top Ten most commented on articles

Why I Am an Abortion Doctor27141673
Baltimore Cop Vs. A 14 year old Skateboarder 86791520
Asking Anti-Abortion Demonstrators an Important Question 48871407
Kid goes absolutely nuts over Myspace 43821317
Super Bowl XLII Champions New York Giants76121276
Video: Al Qaeda in Iraq BURNS Hostages ALIVE!15841275
I am a Muslim. Kill me and call it. 48171248
Contribute $5.01 to Obama TODAY (Feb. 12) 34591243
New Jersey Douche Bags! 100801233
At least 18 shot at Northern Illinois University41121218

Top Ten most frequently published Authors

Most Dugg article
MrBabyMan1431613160 A Novel Idea! (PIC) (6341)
msaleem821462209Atheist Sees Image of Big Bang in Piece of Toast (6778)
MakiMaki652146249I’ve Never Been More Ashamed to be an American (4952)
zaibatsu651181147Yahoo's Board REJECTS Microsoft takeover Offer! (5183)
supernova1760134015920 Things I Wish I Had Known When Starting Out in Life (5598)
maheshee114265587Paper aeroplane to be dropped from Space Station to Earth (1645)
badwithcomputer382184228The Internet Was a Real Pile of Shit in 1996 (7637)
FameMoney301674174The Pirate Bay: The Site is Safe, Even If We Lose in Court (4702)
suxmonkey292091177 So I guess I Got Kicked Off Another My Little Pony Forum (7211)
bamafun29789158Oldest Woman Alive (120) says - I eat, drink & Take Showers (2197)

Top Ten highest mean diggs per Author (for Authors with more than 1 article)

Most Dugg article
mattsaw24514409Top 40 Photoshopped Images (4642)
anonx867530924287505 Anonymous Propaganda (4558)
dunnylovehun34027290The 6 Cutest Animals That Can Still Destroy You (5712)
MaoistBanker23999583 Barack Obama - "Just Words?" (5272)
QGYH2123980468 How glasses affect your image [pic] (9260)
stewacide23769225Adelaide Anon Protest $cientology (3858)
poopysnacks23762223 Photo Gallery: Anonymous' Scientology Protest in Los Angeles (3965)
nothingness0023622274 Anonymous VS Scientology Makes TV News (3864)
Gugel33518379 75,000,000,000,000 Crabs Invade an Island in Australia (4249)
benb2433410318 Coolness (8733)

Top Ten highest mean comments per Author (for Authors with more than 1 article)

Most commented on article
wwwdot1jesdotus23336775 CNN Republican Debate Highlights- Ron Paul's Slam Dunk! Bam! (1154)
RonMexico3223155630 The Most Spoiled Girl In The World? (1051)
KonstantinLevin22097614 107,000 demand Wikipedia remove this image of Muhammed (879)
MaoistBanker23999583 Barack Obama - "Just Words?" (729)
anonx867530924287505 anonymous 012408 1800 est expect us (639)
blackolive51846481Bush: 19% approval (638)
QGYH2123980468 "Last Touch" - Iraqi woman and her son [pic] (826)
SeaMowse61912464Online petition ask Wikipedia to remove pictures of Muhammad (1085)
lazycat23268453Stanford is free to students whose families make less than$$ (711)
arTech22713449Breaking News: Obama wins Wisconsin Democratic Primaries (487)

Topic of posted articles by count articles, mean diggs, mean comments
(Sort by placing mouse over column title)

US Elections 20082641942293
Tech Industry News1591410164
Odd Stuff1502068243
General Sciences1491118159
World News1482275347
Political News1141770310
Gaming Industry News801600198
Business & Finance721284222
Travel & Places501680162
Arts & Culture461500155
Political Opinion401846322
Pets & Animals322702207
PC Games281749249
Comics & Animation231791176
American & Canadian Football23994159
Food & Drink211557194
Other Sports9789134
Playable Web Games41767143


NeoOffice Impress me not

I was asked to give a talk on an exciting new data warehouse system for use on a new project I am consulting for. Unfortunately the system was still under development by a group half way around the world who were too busy to talk to me. Fortunately my boss decided to send the request around to various supervisors of the developers and they responded with some information reasonably promptly; about 24 hours before I had to present it at the workshop. Initially I was put off because the documentation appeared to be rushed, but reading it all for the third time I was impressed with what they were trying to do.

Basically they are designing a system with money from the very generous Bill Gates to create a lovely open source health system using Linux, PHP, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, and QuantumGIS. Bless you Bill!

I needed to write up a presentation. I use a MacBookPro, and haven't yet purchased Microsoft Office but I do have NeoOffice (ver 2.2.2 patch10 ~ OpenOffice) installed and have used NeoOffice Writer and Calc regularly with great success. So I used Writer to compose my notes. Once I had all the content together I decided to use NeoOffice Impress for the presentation. I could have used KeyNote but I wanted to see how good the presentation software for NeoOffice is.

*** UPDATE : just updated to ver 2.2.2 patch 11, everything works as it should now. Thank OpenOffice people and "anonymous" for the update tip. People should ignore the little rant below.

NeoOffice Impress ... had some problems that appear to be solved in the current patch.

OLD COMMENT NOW OUTDATED: ... sucks hard. Bugs at nearly every turn. Text that can't be formatted until you clear formatting. Text that centres itself after you save, quit, the reload. Bullet markers that suddenly appear after reloading. Terribly aliased fonts on slideshow. It was an embarrassment. Unfortunately, it looked OK on the first run that I did at 11:30pm the night before. I saved. Went to the workshop the next morning, opened the presentation before the workshop started and saw the mess. I quickly went through and reformatted by clearing the old formatting and putting back the new (simple stuff too: left align, font-size 24pt, no bullets). Saved, but did not close the doc for fear of this mess happening again. I went up to the podium to present, plugged in the data projector, told OSX that it was NOT to mirror but to be a second window. NeoOffice didn't pick this change up and wouldn't show the slideshow on the second monitor. Crap. Close NeoOffice, open NeoOffice, yes, there is the second monitor. Load the presentation; crap! There are the bullets, there are some of the slides centred. Butt ugly. No matter. Let me give this presentation on how we are using Open Source in the project, and how good it is, except for NeoOffice Impress, of course.

I would gladly have paid for Microsoft's Powerpoint at that stage. I should have used the Keynote demo ... although it had expired some while back but you know there is always the trick:
sudo rm /Users/simon/Library/Preferences/com.apple.iW*
sudo rm /Library/Preferences/com.apple.iW*
I need to buy iWork.

I haven't tried NeoOffice's Draw or Base yet.

Moral of the story:
a) don't use new software for a presentation the next day
b) NeoOffice 2.2.2 is one third evil - but patch 11 is OK :)

Books Read 2024

Below are the books that I read during 2024 and my rating out of 5. Rating Title Author Book# 5 Moriarty: The Devil's Game ‡...